Change Gossby Password

This instruction is to change a password in your Account Portal. If you forgot your password and can not log in to the account, check the Forgot Gossby password article instead

1. If you sign up with your email

If last time you signed up with your email or your account was created automatically after purchasing, check the below steps to change the current passwords:

  • Sign in to your account

  • Go to Account Settings

  • Press on Change Password

  • Fill in your current password and your new ones

  • Press on Change Password to finish and you are good to go.

2. If you log in using a google account

  • Temporarily, if you logged in with Google, you can't change your password. Please choose the Log in with Google next time you access the Account and you won't need to use any password.

If you have any difficulty or did not receive Reset email, please contact us so our agent can check it for you right away.  

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