Forgot Gossby password

This instruction is to reset a password in case you forgot it and can not log in to the account. If you simply want to change a password, check the Change Gossby Password article instead.

Below are the steps to reset a password. Let's start!

1. Go to the Account portal first and find the Sign In screen.

  • On the Desktop, there are separate buttons for Sign In and Sign Up already. Please choose Sign In. 

  • On Mobile, you need to press the button Sign In or Sign Up

If you see the Sign Up screen, press the Back to Sign In button at the end

2. In the Sign In screen, you will find the Forgot password option:

3. Enter the exact email you are connected with the account.

And a reset link will be sent to your mailbox in a second.

Go to your mailbox >> find the email with the title Reset your Gossby password >> Click the Reset Password button there to reset the new one.

Please make sure you check all Inbox and Spam/Promotion sections. Now, all is done! 

If you have any difficulty or did not receive the Reset email, please chat with us so our agent can check it for you right away. 

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