You might receive an email with the title "Verify your Gossby account" without placing any orders (as the below picture). This article will explains the reasons why and what should be your next step.
1. Why did we send this email to you?
There are two possible reasons for this: either you made a purchase as a guest without creating an account, or you made a purchase a while ago.
We want to make sure you don't miss out on the benefits of having a Gossby account, so our system automatically creates one for you using your email. However, this account still needs to be verified and given a password, which is why you received this email.
Creating a Gossby account is completely free and comes with many benefits! To know what benefits you have with a Gossby account, please check this article: Gossby account overview.
2. What should you do next?
You can totally ignore this email if you're not interested in having a Gossby account. However, we recommend you to have one since it will bring you lots of benefits.
To verify your account, simply click on the "Verify my account" button in the email and set up your password. Once that's done, your account is good to go! You can sign in using your email and the new password you set.
Please note that for safety reasons, the verification link will expire after 24 hours. If the link has expired, you can either create a new account by signing up again or chat with us to request another "Verify your Gossby account" emai.
If you need more assistance, please contact us. We're always ready to help.