Account Overview

Let's take a closer look at the benefits of having a Gossby account. With your account, you can:

  • Easily manage and keep track of your orders 

  • Buy again old items with just one click 

  • Save your favorite items with the Wish List feature 

  • Save multiple shipping addresses (such as home, workplace,...) for later use

Below is the detailed instruction on how to use your Gossby account:

1. Log in to the Account portal

  • From the Gossby page, click on this button to open the Sign In/Sign Up options.

  • If you're new to Gossby, you can create an account in just a minute by clicking on the "Sign up" button. If you already have an account and password, click "Sign in".

NOTE: If you've purchased before but have not created any account yet: an account has already been created for you using the email you used at checkout. However, since no password has been set yet, you'll need to click on the "Forgot password option" to set your password using your email address.

Note: If you still need more information regarding Sign Up and Sign In functions, you can refer to this article

2. What can you do with a Gossby account?

a. Manage and keep track of your orders

If the email linked to your Gossby Account is the one you used on your previous orders, these orders will be archived in your purchase history. 

You can easily manage and track all your orders by visiting the "My Purchases" section. Here, you'll find a detailed timeline of each order, including canceled and refunded orders. 

Check this instruction if you still need more information regarding this function.

b. Buy again old items with just one click 

You can buy again old items by locating the "Buy It Again" button under each order in your purchases. The previous design was saved, so you won't have to re-customize your item one more time.

Check detailed instruction if you still need more information regarding this function.

c. Save your favorite items with the Wish List function

If you come across products that you love but would like to purchase later, simply save them to your Wish List by clicking on this heart icon on the product page:

This item will be automatically added to your Wish List:

Note: You can only add items to your Wish List once you logged in your Gossby account.

d. Save multiple shipping addresses for later use

If you have multiple addresses, you can easily save them for later use by going to your Account Settings and selecting the "Addresses" option.

Here, you can pre-save multiple addresses and set one of them as the default. This will save you lots of time for checking out.

We hope this helps you get the most out of your Gossby account. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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