Sign In and Sign Up your Gossby account

This article will tell you how to sign in or sign up a Gossby account.  

  • Sign in if you already purchased at Gossby

  • Sign up if you are a new visitor

A. Sign in & Sign up instruction

1. If you have already purchased at Gossby.

Our system will automatically create an account for you after you complete your order, using the purchased email. 

Note that since there is no password created yet, you need to click on the Forgot password option to reset your password with the existing email to log in.  

Go to Sign in section and click on Forgot password

By clicking Reset Your Password button, an email from Gossby will be sent to you and requires you to set a new password for your account

2. If you are a new visitor at Gossby.

We suggest creating a new account even if you have not purchased yet, so you can get most of those helpful features and save times when you want to check out later. 

Go to Sign up section and create a new account there

Sign up on Desktop:

Sign up on Mobile:

B. Instruction to access Account Portal

  • On Desktop, beside the cart icon, there are two separate buttons for Sign In and Sign Up already. 

  • On Mobile: Click on the icon at the top left of your mobile screen.

You will be able to sign in or sign up from there.

C. Notes 

  • To change your account password, check this instruction.

  • If you already had an account and want to have another one, simply use a different email and sign up again. 

  • To see what you can do with your account, check the Account Overview article.

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