Whether you buy a personalized item for yourself or for your close friend, family member, or colleague... from our store, you always expect to see how it looks in advance, or sometimes you need to double-check the design to make sure that it is correct with your choice.
However, you might not see any preview of the design when ordering or even in your Confirmation email. Don't worry about that. We ensure that all design options you chose will be saved exactly on your order even if you can't see them on your end.
For this preview issue, you can consider some reasons below:
1. No preview for a Custom Photo product
For this type of product, we need a bit of time to make your own photo design after confirming your order successfully. So you can't see the preview of your order right away. We will send you the link of the design preview via email immediately after we finish it.
2. The product you bought is our newest product
Due to the limited function for the new products, the Preview function is not available on our system. It means that you can't see the preview after choosing your own design options. Don't worry. We guarantee that all the design options you selected will be accurately saved with your order, even if you can't see them on your side.
3. System error
Unfortunately, there are still some unexpected system glitches in case you can't see a preview on your order. In this case, please contact us via chat right away with the screenshot of the error notification or error message showing on your end, we will investigate the issue and assist you as best we can.
Enjoy your purchase with Gossby store!